About Us
Why you should join House of Gord

Thank you for visiting the House of Gord web site. You will see the most unusual sexual bondage available anywhere on the Web. Hold on to your seat and be prepared to exclaim "Wow! Amazing! I can't believe they did that!"

Who is Gord? Well, to put it simply, Gord was a natural-born artist and inventor. His passion was for inventing bondage gear that would tease, torment, humiliate and stimulate a very dangerous species... women!

Gord's inventions are so cunning and sophisticated that they almost defy explanation, and, as a result, a term was created to describe his work: ULTRA BONDAGE. This web site features Gord's Ultra Bondage gear demonstrated exclusively for your viewing pleasure!

Gord passed away on the evening of September 3rd, 2013. He will truly be missed, and his art will live on forever. Gord left an extensive collection of unreleased footage that he couldn't wait to share with you all.

The House of Gord is dedicated to showcasing Gord's life work, along with new House of Gord content featuring his Ultra Bondage gear, by his original production team and starring many of his favorite models.

House of Gord is not your run-of-the-mill hogtie bondage and dildo site. We feature photo sets and videos of women who are being trussed, stretched, folded, rotated, clamped and suspended - not to mention penetrated, stimulated, pumped, inflated, gagged, and electrified. These cutting-edge scenarios will dazzle your mind - as well as other parts of your body!

What do you expect from a good bondage site? Frequent updates. Quick downloads and high quality images of eye-popping bondage scenarios. What’s a hot bondage scene if you can’t appreciate the close-up of a dildo as it nuzzles its way into her pussy or the rolling eyes as she explodes in orgasmic pleasure? These details are delivered in each photo set on the site.

The House of Gord is proud to offer unlimited download of photos and videos to our members. Every week we offer a new photo set and a new video set, (including installation into Gord's diabolical devices and model interviews). Our models are absolutely stunning and amazingly bendable. Check out the model pages to see for yourself.

The variety of bizarre and raw sexual bondage on this web site will blow your mind. House of Gord has it all - fucking machines, remote controlled dildos, automated vibrators, punishment stools, mummification, time-delay E-stim, inverted penetration, pulsing pussy carriers, pneumatic dildo levers, metal cages, two-woman bondage, and forniphilia (human bondage furniture)!

How we protect the safety of our models

The safety of our models is of utmost importance. We make sure to double and triple check our gear prior to use. This is extreme bondage folks! Not to be tried at home. We are not liable to users of our service who engage in activities depicted in the images and video on the sites. We also do not advise that users of our service engage in the sexual activities depicted herein. We believe firmly in the importance of safety in all sexual activities. We carry insurance covering performers and staff in the very unlikely event of an injury. Our working conditions are safe and our gear is always clean. Our models leave the House of Gord feeling excited about their work and often give us a list of items they want to be strapped into next.

How we protect your privacy

Our privacy policy is available here

(and our Terms & Conditions is available here)

Now, Join...

Now, it’s time to go to the Samples page for examples of the stunning videos and images available to members, take a quick peek at the Updates page to see details of the erotic features members get each week, then JOIN NOW.

On the evening of September 3rd, 2013 we lost a master, a hero, and a true artist in every sense of the word. His lover Femcar was with him till the very end, although not by his side. She was in her proper place, on her knees naked, below his desk. He burst through our world, larger than life, lived and died on his own terms. He will truly be missed, and his art will live on forever.

HouseofGord.com will continue on, with updates every Friday as usual. Gord left an extensive collection of unreleased footage that he couldn't wait to share with you all.

Gord, May 5th, 1946 - September 3rd, 2013

From Ruth

So much has been written about Gord. His crazy machines, his books, his websites. Known for being an innovator, a mentor, a visionary....when I think of him what comes to mind is the man.

I had the honor of calling him my friend. Times spent laughing till we cried, dinners and lunches together...the phone calls that would often last hours. Having holidays together with my family. He was so sweet with my grandchildren.

I would bring him vegetables from my garden and he would insist on making me dinner with them. He loved my dogs. The way his face lit up when he saw them enabled me to see his gentle nature....I'm not sure too many people were privy to that side of Jeff. And I'm not sure he wanted them to know how truly adorable he was....but he was, though I'm sure he would be annoyed with me for saying so. That never stopped me before so why start now?!

Jeff was adorable.

He was also infuriating. I don't think I've ever met anyone who could shatter my Zen like he could. Stubborn like no other, deep, booming masculinity and powerfully opinionated. Often not thinking before he spoke. In a way he was an innocent who was unable to see the other side in the heat of it all, there were quite a few he alienated as a result. Jeff and I argued frequently as I tried to explain the other side of the coin to him...and most often he would call me a few days or a week or two later to say maybe he had been too harsh. He had this way of keeping people at arms length. I spoke to him about how this saddened me and he simply said "I have you. You are one of the only people that I know I can depend on. I trust you, Ruth". Jeff was my confidant. My heart. My buddy. My friend...in truest, most absolute sense of the word.

See, that's the thing about love. It's the spoken or unspoken knowledge that, no matter what, there is love. There is understanding. Acceptance. There is something to be said about the phrase "through thick and thin".

This day. September 3rd, 2014. You've been gone one year. I still reach for the phone sometimes, though not quite as often now. I want to call, to hear your voice, but know you aren't there. There truly aren't many days in which I don't mention something you once or 100 times said to me. My friends who never met you feel as though they know you via your stories and anecdotes. I share them with anyone who will listen.

Jeff, I write this through tears and yet find myself smiling.

I will forever miss you.

You are my heart....I hold you there, in my heart and will never let you go.

Know that tonight I will raise my glass and smile with the knowledge that for 15 years I had Jeff Gord in my life. I cherish everyday he shared with me.

Sleep well my friend.

I love you.


From Femcar

It is a year ago that you left me and so it is fitting that I tell the story of how our destinies first became entwined. I love you Jeff.. and I miss you. Our whole story makes sense now. I met you so that I would be there when you died.

Jeff Gord made the impossible possible... turned fantasy into reality above and beyond mere mortals. He always laughed and said don't forget there is an "r" in Gord but I always knew better. He was absolutely an example that if you dream HUGE... and open up your arms VERY VERY large to the universe.. magic and miracles do come true. BUT you have to put yourself out there.. REALLY out there.. not your pretend self because then you will only get pretend back.. but your REAL self... and then give and give and give some more.. make yourself vulnerable.. and most importantly ASK for that stuff way down deep inside yourself that you think really can never exist. That is what Jeff was all about... exposing that stuff way down deep that WAS in fact impossible and somehow making it real.

The first time I ever heard about Gord was in connection with a race that was supposedly being held in Vancouver Canada. It was called "Kinkanapolis", http://www.angelfire.com/bc/femcar/home.html, and was supposed to involve two separate races, one race involving pony girls and another race involving "femcars". I had been teaching a new concept in the BDSM circuit about emotional masochism and objectification and not just one person but quite a few had heard about this race and brought it to my attention because of how close it seemed to match my rare.. at the time.. kink. Ponygirl play was something that I had been doing for a while so I was not really interested in that but this "femcar" thing fascinated me.

The idea of the "femcar" was that a woman would be used as a fem-engine inside a "car". The vehicle would have a driver and the fem-engine would be encased in the vehicle so as not to be seen and would power the vehicle by either a stair stepping or bicycling motion. My pussy just went SPLOOSH when I read all the details that went into this "fem-engine", from how she had to be dressed, how high the heels she had to have on.. to how the driver could not and could communicate with her. She was not to be treated like a human in the least.. just as a thing to power the car. I HAD to do this! Had to had to! It spoke to the very core of my being and alls I could do was think.. well.. and masturbate.. of course.. about it.

First thing I had to do was find me a DRIVER.. who would also be interested in building me this car that I would hopefully be the engine for. These were the good old days when aol chatrooms were where we were building our libidos and matching up with potential play partners. So.. I "borrowed" the name.. "femcar".. as my aol screenname to try and find me the driver and builder of my car. Little did I know that that was the moment of fate setting up a part of my destiny.

I did have a few people approach me about the idea of building me a car but it never quite materialized. It didn't really matter anyways as the race ended up being cancelled.

In the process of looking for drivers I had had the name "femcar" for a few months and had started developing a reputation as well as friendships with the name so I decided to keep using it. It was a great unique name for the scene and at this point I figured whoever had come up with the race was a poser and a fake and that he was not really in the scene and so it wouldn't really matter. Little did I know the immensity of the mistake of THAT idea.